Welcome to the King's School Library Message Board.

This is the blog spot for the King's School Library "Dads and Lads, Mums and Sons" Book project.
We’d like you and your son to read 10 books in the 2008-09 school year, and tell us about it!

1. Choose a book to read together. You could start with your son’s choice. Then follow with your choice. Then back again. The school library can support you by doing our best to find a second copy so that you don’t have to wait for one person to finish before the other one starts.
2. When a book is finished, like it or hate it, simply write a short review each from your own perspectives and send or e-mail it into the library. We'll publish it here.

At the end of the year we’ll award the prize to the best set of reviews.


It doesn’t matter what you read, fiction or non-fiction. We would like to hear from you.
If you are interested in taking part please contact the Librarians, and we’ll put you in the picture.
Book suggestions for the mystified also available on request

Sunday, 20 July 2008

Dick Francis "To The Hilt"

Dick Francis - To The Hilt

I enjoyed this book. Dick Francis delivers his usual blend of a mystery with connections to horse racing. This time the connection is not as strong as usual however the story goes along at a fair pace to keep you entertained. The main premise of the story is the relationship of the hero of the story and his step father who owns a brewery which on the face of it is doing well but has serious financial issues caused by an employee who manages to clear the firms bank account and disappear with all the money. There is however a deeper plot which involves people close to the hero and his family, and there is a twisting interrelated tale regarding a famous sword hilt in Scotland One does not read Dick Francis for a literary experience but for the simple escapism the story weaves. I give this story a 6 out of 10.


I liked his book even though it took me over a month to get through. It was about this man who lived up in the Scottish mountains until he has to go down to London to help his step dad save his race horse, Goldenmalt, from being taken by his daughter, Patsy. He is then buffeted to and from London sometimes managing to get back to Scotland but only for few days. He is beaten up in this book twice and put on a barbecue but he survives and he keeps Goldenmalt and the hilt safe from prying eyes. I give this book about 5/10 because it was quite boring at the beginning but got better and better at the end.

MB (7D-8D)